Buy this bet to play a market rise between two given market times today. Buy this bet to play a market rise between two given hourly market times today. You will have the possibility to set the starting hour of the bet and the ending hour of the bet, and you will win double your stake if the market follows your prediction. Example: [Pays 100 if the FTSE rises between the starting time hour and the expiry hour] Buy this bet to play a market rise between two given market times today. Example: Suppose you buy this intraday double up bet for USD255: I wish to win «USD» «500» if the «USD/JPY» is lower at 16h00GMT than at 17h00GMT. The current time is 15h04GMT; so this bet has not yet started running. The actual start will be 16h00GMT and its the market levels of the USD/JPY at 16h00GMT and 17h00GMT that apply here. In other words, these bets dont start running at the instant they are bought but on the actual start times specified in the contract. In this example you are betting that the USD/JPY will be higher at 17h00GMT than at 16h00GMT i.e. you are betting on a market rise. If the market level of the USD/JPY at 16h00GMT is 118.732 and its 118.412 at 17h00GMT i.e. the market has fallen instead of rising, then you will lose this bet and your portfolio will show a payout value of zero. On the other hand if the market level of the USD/JPY is at 118.7 at 16h00GMT and its 118.73 at 17h00GMT, then you will win this bet and you can claim your payout of USD500 by going to your portfolio. If you are really unfortunate and the market level at 16h00GMT is the same as at 17h00GMT; then you will lose your proposition. (i.e. bet) Notes Note I: Applicable limitations on intraday double ups and intraday double downs: You cannot sell an intraday contract before expiry; ie the bet will only be settled as a win or lose. You have to buy an intraday bet at least 10 minutes before the actual running (start) of the bet. You cannot buy an intraday contract in the last 180 minutes of a trading day for forex. You cannot buy an intraday contract in the last 90 minutes of a trading day for stocks. Note II: Commission on the intraday plays: Our commission on the intraday bets is fixed at 2% and is calculated like this: 100% * (our price unbiased price)/ unbiased price. As an example lets assume I bought this bet: I wish to win «USD» «500» if «USD/JPY» is lower at 16h00GMT than at 17h00GMT Bet bought for USD255. 100% * (255 250)/250 = 2% {250 would have been the actual price of the bet in absence of our commission} Note III: Settling Criteria: For Intraday Double Ups and Intraday Double Downs, its the quote on the exact expiry time or the quote just after the expiry time that counts as the final quote. This is unlike our policy for Double Ups/Doubles Downs and all other contracts where its the quote on the exact expiry date or the quote just before the expiry date that counts. For example, for an intraday up bet expiring at 12:00 GMT; if the price at 11h59:50s is 100.00 and the next tick is 100.21 at 12h00:26s, then the 12h00 hourly price is considered to be 100.21. Note IV: A Gold/USD intraday bet can only be bought for a minimum duration (running time) of 30 minutes. (i.e. 10 minute bets are not available for Gold/USD) Note V: For forex currency pairs, the minimum running time of an intraday bet is 10 minutes except for the currencies on which not all products are offered. For the latter the minimum is 30 minutes. This means that you can buy a 10-minute bet on the USD/JPY (since you can place a one-touch, no-touch, bull or bear bet…etc on the USD/JPY) but you can buy the same 10-minute bet on the British Pound/JPY. (since you cant buy a one-touch, no-touch, bull or bear bet…etc on the British Pound/JPY) These terms also apply for UK and US stocks. Thereby, you can buy a 10 minute bet on Microsoft, but not on Cisco stock. Note VI: When an intraday bet expires the portfolio section might take a few minutes to update the payout. This is normal and is because the hourly data files are created only on the main feed servers and then copied to all the other servers. i.e. this is due to the synchronization between the servers to prevent bets settling incorrectly.
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